Sunday, January 27, 2013

Travel to Belarus and meet Father Frost's Family!

"Travel to Belarus and meet Father Frost's Family!"

House of Fairy Tales
Photo Credits: Taken from website
Belarus is considered to be a treasure house of fairy tales, fables and mythical figures. Here you can find here lots of interesting historical places and also mythological ones which are full of miracles. All of these places are surrounded with the beauty of nature that changes its color four times a year. The vivid example of one of these magical places in Belarus is the Residence of Father Frost that operates round the year, where everyone can grand 85 wishes. It is not the only magical place here but the extension to his family tree is enormous too that adds to everyone's fascination. I wonder if you knew that his "Great-Grandfather" is still alive and still welcomes guests to his own fairy-tale world, both in winter and summer. "Father Frost's Great-Grandfather is 200 years elder than his grandson - "Father Frost", who is nowadays 1769 years old. Quite young we must say!

The Village Ozerki in the Vitebsk Region!
Residence of Great Grandfather Zuzya Poozersky.

Winter Fairy Tale
Photo Credits: Taken from website
The residence of Father Frost's great-grandfather is located in a village called "Ozerki, which is in the Vitebsk region. It is surrounded by a still and mysterious forest. Only 7 magical kilometers separates it from one of the oldest towns of Belarus - "Postavy", which was founded in the 15th century under orders of Lithuanian prince Vitovt as Belarus that times was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The name of the great-grandfather of the Belarusian Father Frost is "Zuzya Poozersky". He is a character taken from the pre-Christian mythology of Belarusian ancestors. "Zuzya Poozersky" is the personification of Frost and Snowstorm, the God of Winter. The name Zuzya is derived from the Belarusian word "Zuzec"which means "to freeze".

Great Grandfather Zuzya Poozersky on YouTube!

Video Credits: YouTube Member - KP.BY | powered by Youtube

Pre-Christian Times Religion
Photo Credits: Taken from website
Thrilling Stories of "Zuzya Poozersky!"
Pre-Christian times & the people's beliefs.

Trip to the Residence of "Zuzya Poozersky" is a thrilling story about the life of Belarusian ancestors, Gods in whom they believed. In ancient, Pre-Christian times people did not believe in Father Frost, but in "Zuzya". They were afraid of him, but at the same time respected him. During the winter people used to say: "Who is making this noise? Who is clattering here? - It is Zuzya, who wants to scare people." On Christmas Eve, in everyone's home, Belarusian ancestors used to cook a special national dish, called "Kutya" - kasha made from wheat grains with honey and milk. And they never forgot about Zuzya and put a plate full of kasha on a table for him to cajole Zuzya. People asked him to be kind to their winter crops and domestic animals that Zuzya could freeze any time. "Zuzya Poozersky" is considered to be a red-nosed old man in a white fur-coat, with bare feet in any weather, who always carries an iron mace. They say that in winter Zuzya beats trees with his iron mace to make them covered with white frost.

"Meet Zuzya Poozersky!"

Zuzya Poozersky in Belarus
 Photo Credits Taken from the website -

Can we pass through?
Great Grandfather Zuzya Poozersky Residence.

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus

At his residence, "Zuzya Poozersky" does not live alone, but with lots of his friends. At the entrance gates, watchful guarders - Snowman and Treefolk wait for their guests with a prepared list of riddles, and only after passing the tasks do the doors to the mysterious kingdom of "Zuzya Poozersky" open. Behind the gates, the housekeeper - "Aunty Agata" salutes incoming guests.

"Meet Aunty Agata"

Aunty Agata in Belarus Winter Residence

Sheshka - The Awful Hooligan!
Known to scare visitors.

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus
Photo Credits: Taken from website

 Under big fir-trees, on outer woods of the residence, there is a small mythological village, which is called "Zuzeva Okolica" - "Village fence of Zuzya". Various spirits live here in their own wooden house with a straw roof, called "teremok". Nobody knows whether it is a short or long way to this mysterious village.

 It is only known that the way to it is not so easy, and everyone first will have to overcome 3 gates and 3 bridges, and each of them is guarded by some spirit. On the 1st gates, the spirit "Sheshka" sits, which is an awful hooligan. Devils refused to take it into their gang as Sheshka failed their task to steal a man's soul. Nowadays, it lives here and tries to scary visitors.

A new kind of danger waits close to the 1st bridge, where the other spirit, called "Klikun" hides. The word "klikac" in Belarusian means "to invite disaster". However, visitors should not be afraid of this spirit, it fulfills the order of its master - "Zuzya Poozersky", and can bring only happiness and good luck for people for a whole year.

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus
Photo Credits: Taken from website

Passing the 2nd bridge, you should not worry about meeting any evil spirit, as it is guarded by "Vuzhalka". It's the daughter of the king of snakes. In ancient time, it could not do any harm to people. But, on the contrary, Belarusian ancestors believed that if they would find a necklace dropped by "Vuzhalka", on that place there was a hidden treasure deep in the ground.

 Photo Credits: Taken from website

After the bridge visitors should be on the alert, especially those who were a mischievous kid in childhood. As here the spirit "Hapun" lives, who can catch away a hooligan in his big feedbag to some place, from where nobody has ever returned yet.

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus

When you reach the 3rd bridge, you should be accompanied by someone, as it is not good to wander about alone there. Behind the last bridge, you will see a special glade, which is called "Kolyadnaya Polyana", where there are a wooden statue of a goat - the symbol of fertility in Belarusian folklore, and a wooden statue of a horse - a helper in any household chores. If you touch these two statues, then you will have prosperity in your family and success in your undertakings.  

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus
The village "Zuzeva Okolica"
Guarded by a "Pig!"

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus
On the way to the "Zuzeva Okolica", there is only one more gate left to pass, and then you will reach the village of spirits, which is guarded not by a dog, but by a pig.

In this village there is a small bathhouse, whose master is "Laznik". It is very difficult to visit it, as Laznik only invites spirits to his bathhouse after midnight. This beautiful wooden house was built for Wood Goblin, who moved here with his family.

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus
Photo Credits: Taken from the website -

Like in any village, there is a well here. It is not a normal well, it is the Well of miracles. There is no water in it at all. But sincere wishes, whispered in its darkness, can come true.

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus
Photo Credits: Taken from website

The most important thing while making your wish is that you should not let the spirits spoil it. As they can turn your wish into a beautiful unrealizable dream. So what's the method? Here is how you should do it! You have to come up to the Magical Tree, go around it three times, and ring the bell hanging from it. After that all the spirits will disappear.

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus

The Easter Egg

The 1st Monument in Belarus

Easter Egg Monument in Belarus

In the kingdom of "Zuzya Poozersky", there is the 1st and the only monument dedicated to The Easter Egg in whole Belarus.

Zuzya Poozersky Residence in Belarus
Photo Credits: Taken from the website -

 A very unusual art gallery - "The Art Gallery of Spirits", introduces all kinds of existing spirits to its visitors.

You can also visit the museum - "The New Year Tree Museum", where you will get to know about the tradition of decorating a Christmas and New Year Tree, about the origins of this tradition:

- which New Year and Christmas decorations were in fashion during the 19th and 20th centuries?
- which New Year and Christmas postcard people gave to each other that times?

In the residence of "Zuzya Poozersky", you will have an opportunity to visit the exhibition of "Christmas Charm". In ancient times, objects found in peope's houses were considered to have their own symbolic meaning. For example, it was forbidden to spit on the ground floor of their house as it was the symbol of soil and fertility. Any house did not have windows facing the north, as they believed that souls of the dead went to that direction. Every house had an oven that symbolized an infinite life in that house.

A trip to the residence of "Zuzya Poozersky" is a nice chance to experience ancient traditions and customs of Belarusian ancestors. For example, such pre-Christian folk festival as "Kupalle" or "Kupala" or "Ivan Kupala", that is celebrated on the 6th of July in Belarus.

In ancient times people believed in the deity, called Kupala. Some scientists consider that the name "Ivan Kupala" has a folk, Christian origin and is the Slavic version for the name John the Baptist. The festival "Kupala" is full of rituals connected with water, fire and herbals. The majority of them are fulfilled at night.

Meet "Makosha!"
Spin your thread of destiny. 
thread of destiny
Photo Credits: Taken from website
 In the residence of "Zuzya Poozersky", you can spin your own thread of destiny or request the services of a spinner called "Makosha", who lives here.
In the pottery workshop visitors can try to make clay toys with their own hands or choose a small gift like a memory. Visiting the exhibition "Paazerskiya zabauki", especially organized for tourists, you can buy unusual souvenirs like a memory about the residence of Zuzya.

Theaterical performances!
Based on traditional Pre-Christian customs of Belarus
Residence of Zuzya Poozersky in Belarus
Photo Credits: Taken from the website -
There is a chance to watch theatrical performances based on folk, pre-Christian traditions and customs of Belarusian ancestors.

The Traven full of treats of Zuzya!
Residence of zuzya poozersky in Belarus

At the end of the trip in the kingdom of Zuzya, a nice surprise awaits visitors; it is "the Fireworks of positive emotions". Don't forget to visit the tavern "Treats of Zuzya", where you can try dishes of national Belarusian cuisine, tasty herbals tea made in a traditional samovar. "Zuzya Poozersky" has also created a special menu for adults, the name of which is "Charka, shkvarka, saleny agurok."

We are sure by now you are excited to get to know what it would be, aren't you? Then come to the welcoming residence of "Zuzya Poozersky".

The residence of Belarusian Father Frost's great-grandfather is visited by groups of tourists from various countries including Russia, China, Germany, Poland, and Italy. 
When you hear the word "Magic", it brings about an excitement.
So! - What about magical apples and cards?

The Soldier & the Tsar! - Magical Cards & Apples!

Video Credits: YouTube Member - George S. | powered by Youtube

Magical Apples or Cards? - Your choice!
Now then,You've seen the video above and you would have an idea of this debate. If you haven't then we would suggest you did watch it and then come back to this debate. Well then, if you had to choose between the magical cards and apples.

Hmm! So which one would you choose and why?....We'd love to see on which side of the river do you stand?

Elaborate on your choice as it would help us and the readers to imagine your fantasy with "Magic!"  - Enter your answers in the Comments section!

Which Magical object would you choose?
  • The magical cards!
  • The magical apples!

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